When: Monday, November 7, 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Where: Koelbel 255
Speaker: Adam Reed
Bio: Adam Reed is a Lecturer in the Environmental Studies Program, and coordinator for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (RSE) education programs at the School of the Environment and Sustainability in CU Boulder. Adam is an interdisciplinary synthesist with training in law, economics, and history and experience in energy, climate, and environmental policy research. His work considers legal, regulatory, communication, and knowledge problems across markets and institutions related to sustainable energy deployment and operations. His research interests include distributed community-based energy systems, grid integration of renewable energy, the evolution of electricity markets, and the history of energy policy. He teaches a graduate course on Energy Policy in the 21st Century. Adam received his BA (history, economics) from Southern Methodist University, and his JD (law) from the University of Colorado.